Anneleen Van de Meulebroucke

Anneleen Van de Meulebroucke heads the digital and data protection team. She specialises in ICT law and new technologies in the broadest sense, with a focus on data. Her expertise includes the full spectrum of data legislation (including GDPR, open data and the European data strategy) and related matters such as trust services (eIDAS). Anneleen advises on all these matters, assists clients in data projects and represents organisations in data-related proceedings, including in cyber incident response.
Anneleen obtained a Master of Laws degree from KU Leuven in 2011 and has been an attorney at Eubelius since then.
She has been a partner at Eubelius since 1 January 2023 and a member of the management committee since 1 January 2024.
Anneleen is a certified data protection officer (since 2016) and is a visiting lecturer in data protection law at the UCLouvain (Belgium). She regularly speaks at conferences on data protection, and often publishes articles on this subject. She is a member of Beltug (Belgian Association of Digital Technology Leaders) and the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) and obtained the Certified International Privacy Professional certificate (CIPP/E) in early 2017. She is currently following a programme on digital leadership at Vlerick Business School.
In 2017, Anneleen was a research fellow at the LSTS (Law, Science, Technology & Society) institute of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), working under Prof. De Hert. Between 2012 and 2018, she also worked as a part-time assistant in contract law at KU Leuven. Anneleen was seconded to bpost and to a technology company in 2017.
She handles cases in Dutch, in English and in French.