Commercial law & consumer law
Our commercial law practice covers a wide range of services, including advice on general and specific legal questions related to commercial law, consumer protection, counseling on contractual issues, setting up and organising distribution networks, advertising law, promotional activities, sales systems, unfair commercial practices, and assistance in the negotiation of business transactions.
Your contacts in Commercial law & consumer law
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Some of our references
- Advising companies and representing them before the courts in disputes concerning market practices and consumer protection (including advertising, promotions, unfair competition, refusal to sell, lotteries and games of chance, unfair contract terms).
- Advising major market players and representing before the courts in disputes concerning (the termination of) distributorships and commercial agencies in various industries, such as telecommunications, alcoholic beverages, medical instruments, waste management and transporting of goods, the car industry, consumer electronics, food and media.
- Recurrent interlocutory, interim and cease-and-desist procedures regarding unilateral actions of contracting parties or competitors in various sectors such as telecommunication, real estate, clothing, food, etc.
- Representing clients in institutional and ad hoc arbitrations, such as ICC arbitrations on EPCM contracts and SPA guarantees, CEPANI arbitrations on real estate transactions and ad hoc arbitrations on commercial lease and transport contracts.
- Advice regarding disputes on recall actions for food products and liability of public authorities for the sealing of production sites.
- Advising and representation of a large supermarket chain before courts and towards public authorities and stakeholders’ organisations regarding compliance of advertising and sales procedures/techniques with market practices and consumer protection laws.
- Advising and representation before courts of a large foreign manufacturer of construction materials in liability litigations against Belgian clients.
- Contractual advice to one of the market leaders in security services and equipment.
- Advising a renowned online sales platform regarding compliance of its activities with (European) rules on market practices and consumer protection.
- Advising and representation before courts of developers of property intended for tourism activities in disputes with consumers and consumer associations.
- Advising an investment bank on the compliance of its advertising for financial products with market practices and consumer protection law.
- Advising and representation in court of a large energy supplier with regard to its market practices, sales procedures, contracts and (extra-)contractual liability.