FinAIlly! The Artificial Intelligence Act has been published

Legal Eubdate
12 July 2024

The Artificial Intelligence Act or AIA is the first European legislation of its kind with global impact establishing horizontal rules for the development, market placement and use of AI systems. Today, 12 July 2024, this groundbreaking regulation has been officially published in the Official Journal of the European Union.    

In a previous Eubelius Legal Eubdate, we informed you about the formal adoption of the AIA on 13 March 2024. On 21 May 2024, the European Council also approved the AIA, with the only remaining step for the Act to come into force being the official publication. 

The AIA adopts a risk-based approach and introduces a classification of different AI systems. Various “risk levels” (minimal, limited, high, and unacceptable risk) are accompanied by different requirements and obligations. For instance, high-risk AI systems can only be introduced on the EU market or put into operation if they meet several strict mandatory requirements (such as the introduction of a risk management system, quality requirements, and transparency requirements), and AI systems which pose an unacceptable risk are prohibited. 

The provisions of the AIA will become applicable gradually. The AIA will officially enter into force on 1 August 2024, which is 20 days after its publication in the Official Journal.

Most provisions, such as the enforcement of obligations for high-risk AI systems listed in Annex III of the AIA, will become applicable two years after the entry into force (1 August 2026).  However, there are several exceptions: prohibited AI practices will apply after six months (1 February 2025), the codes of conduct after nine months (1 May 2025), and the obligations for providers of general purpose AI models after twelve months (1 August 2025). By contrast, the obligations for high-risk systems listed in Annex I of the AIA will only apply three years after the entry into force (1 August 2027).

Would you like to delve deeper into the significance of the now officially published AIA and the resulting obligations for your organisation? Our team is ready to assist you with a multidisciplinary approach. We can provide advice and guidance on conducting the necessary assessments and drafting documentation.