The cooperation between De Werkvennootschap and the BRAVO4 consortium for the “Conversion of R4 West and East into Primary Roads” project is now official. Today the contract documents were signed under which the Flemish Government, through De Werkvennootschap, starts its cooperation with BRAVO4 on the reconstruction of the R4 East and West in the broad Port of Ghent area. This project will have a DBFM format. The project will make traffic on the R4 smoother and safer, and the surrounding neighbourhoods quieter and more accessible.
The project, with a duration of approximately 37 years, entails a large investment (approximately EUR 715 million excluding VAT) in livability on and around the R4.
Eubelius assisted De Werkvennootschap in this project. The Eubelius team, which included Barteld Schutyser, Anthony Logghe and Michaël Verbeke, supported De Werkvennootschap throughout the competitive dialogue, the debt-funding competition, and the preparation and negotiation of the contract documents.