Lifetime Extension of Two Belgian Nuclear Power Plants

Today marks the closing of the agreement between the Belgian State and Engie/Electrabel for the lifetime extension of the Doel 4 and Tihange 3 nuclear power plants. 

Eubelius had the privilege of acting as the counsel to the Belgian Federal Government on this project. Our team provided strategic advice on corporate law, finance law, energy law, public law and merger control, among other key areas. The process also included the successful completion of the State aid notification procedure before the European Commission.

Multiple teams were involved: the deal team consisted of Wim Goossens, Jeroen Delvoie, Steven Declercq and Astrid Taillieu with special thanks to Steven; Jan Bocken, Kim Gillade, Tom Buytaert and Sophie Devogele from our competition team dealt with the state aid procedure; the energy and public law issues were managed by Hans Plancke, Wim Goossens, Simon Dael, Robin Meylemans and Paolo Cottone and Thomas Donnez and Isabelle Lefever handled the finance track.